It’s been harder, due to the pandemic, to keep up with health and fitness. And without work or social events, it’s easy to lose motivation to stick to health or beauty routines. And when we feel listless, unmotivated, and under-confident, it’s more difficult to pursue the activities we know will make us feel better. You’re pretty sure you’ll feel more positive if you put a little effort into your workouts, or your hair and skincare, but that little discouraging voice whispers, “Why bother?”
This is your reminder to get up, get moving, and do the things you know will help you reclaim confidence in yourself and your appearance — whether you’re staying home, or finally getting out.
Here are five steps to get you back to your glowing, confident self.
Step one: get that workout in!
Once your heart rate is up and you’ve broken a good sweat, you’ll feel that energy burst you’ve been missing. You don’t even need to do a high-intensity routine, in order to get energized. If you want to do a two-week shred, or a beach-body workout, go for it—but, even less demanding workouts will help you out of your rut. The fitness regimen that works for you is going to be one that you look forward to, so you’re guaranteed to keep coming back to it.
Step two: eat well to feel well
Comfort noshing has its place in a self-care regimen—as a treat, a reward, or when you need a break. Regular reliance on foods that are high in sugar and bad fats will leave you feeling sluggish and unhappy, however. The solution is not to punish yourself, but instead turn to foods that taste good while putting good stuff into your body. Look to Asian and Mediterranean cuisines for foods that are delicious and loaded with vegetables and nutrition. Try some creative salad recipes. A salad can go far beyond just lettuce and greens, and can include nuts, roasted root vegetables, and fermented foods.
Step three: take care of skin, hair and teeth
If you want to feel good about your appearance, put a little extra care into protecting the health of your skin, hair, and teeth. If your skin is looking drab or losing tone, all-natural facials can help tremendously. If you’re concerned about the effects of aging, taking a collagen supplement can help keep your skin supple and assist with hair growth. And don’t forget to attend to dental health, too. If you’re dealing with crooked teeth, you know how hard it is to keep them adequately clean. Dental aligners can solve minor misalignment right from home with zero trips to the dentist required. As one example, byte retails for $1,895 (thousands of dollars cheaper than Invisalign) and comes with a “byte-for-life guarantee” which promises that if your teeth ever shift back, they’ll realign your smile free of charge. With straighter teeth, you’ll more easily be able to keep the surfaces of your teeth clean with daily brushing and flossing.
Step four: get your mind into a good place
There are different practices that can help you replace anxiety and despondency with calm and positive feelings. For some, meditation is helpful. Others may find that it’s easier to get the mind in shape through physical activities such as tai chi or yoga. Practicing mindfulness can help you stabilize your thinking, calm your mind, and maintain focus, especially if you have a list of tasks to complete. If you can’t seem to shake the blues, consult a health professional or therapist to see what other resources are available for you.
Step five: stay hydrated
Hydration is key at every level of wellness, from exercise to nutrition to mental health. Your body is over fifty percent water, and it needs that consistent hydration for optimum functioning. If drinking water all the time seems boring, other beverages will also work — so long as they’re not loaded with unhealthy sugars, caffeine, or other additives. Sugar-free fruit seltzers and green tea are great ways to mix things up in the hydration department.
Don’t listen to the little voice that tries to discourage you. It’s not telling you the truth. The truth is that just a little step in the right direction makes a difference. Take a deep breath and start, then keep on going. Before you know it you will feel more upbeat and prepared to face the world.
* Guest post submitted by April Meyers of Mind Body Health Solution
Happy Self-Care Sunday Lovecats!
* Find all my Health and Wellness posts here