What I’m Wearing…
* Vintage hot pink suede dress… from the ’80s. I found it recently in a local thrift shop and it fit so well I had to buy it. It was $10… it has big shoulder pads, which I may remove, an open back, is in perfect condition and I love it.
* Vintage black belt
* Vintage gray coat
* Vintage sunglasses
* Flower tights… man I’ve had these for at least five years now I think and have been dying to wear them, yet never really had the chance. They are by Z tights and I think I found them at the sock store at Universal City when the husband and I had a mini vacay for his birthday a while back.
* Miu Miu boots from a few years ago
I love the textures in this outfit.
Title: lyrics from Lupe Fiasco’s ‘Daydreamin’ featuring Jill Scott… I love this song.
Feeling rosy…
Pink for Valentine’s Day…
Still missing LeRoy hard…
New puppy in 5 weeks…
Counting the days…
Not fast enough.
photo overload today

Happy Tuesday Lovecats!
* Find all my outfits here