If you follow the fashion blogging world at all, then you probably already know who Karla is. She is among the most influential and popular fashion bloggers on the internet, and she has every right to be.
Karla was the first fashion blogger who caught my eye in 2008. I think she was about 19 years old when I first started reading her blog, making her about 23 or 24 years old now, and I loved her style then just as much as I do now. And what I love most about Karla’s style is that you don’t see it anywhere else. Many fashion bloggers all begin to look alike, wearing the same clothes and losing their own sense of style trying to keep up, but Karla remains true to her self and her style even when incorporating the latest trends into her looks. She is as unique as the gorgeous vintage pieces she finds.
For all these reasons and more, I love Karla’s style.
Visit her blog | Karla’s Closet

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