What I’m Wearing
* Gray White and Warren lace crochet shift dress …seen here worn over
* Navy blue Eryn Brinie silk button down shirt dress with peter pan collar … {love layering dresses!}
* Drop earrings were a gift from my cousin, various silver bangles with gray cuff {that just so happen to match the stone in the earrings perfectly} was also a gift from @julsgarces
* Vintage cat eye sunglasses {no designer} …I found these the other day and wondered why I wasn’t wearing them! I think I’ve had them since the 90’s
* Michael Antonio snakeskin printed leather wedges {very ancient but always come in handy}
* Title: lyrics from Def Leppard – “Pour Some Sugar on Me”. I think I was about 12 or 13 when this song came out and honestly I had NO IDEA what the lyrics meant but I would wait and wait and WAIT for it to play on MTV just to hear it and vaguely remember being at a beach house in Laguna with friends singing and dancing to it in our matching blue and white striped bikinis, lol.
As you may know, or as you may have assumed since I’m the Style Editor at BlogHer …I will be in San Diego this coming weekend for BlogHer ’11 and I’m kind of excited and kind of terrified at the same time. Anyone? …Anyone? …Bueller?
Why? oh because this is MY FIRST BLOG CONFERENCE EVER.
And when I first started my blog in the middle of 2007 and I read post after post AFTER POST of bloggers raving about how great that year’s BlogHer Conference was and how they met Dooce, I was kinda like …uh, I don’t get it. But 2007 was just about 4 years ago now and I’ve come a very long way with my lil ol’ blog and am now part of the BlogHer family so yeah, things change and I get it.
But I thought I should also admit to any of you I may see there that I will probably be bringing this entire ensemble with me because it was really easy to wear and I like it so much. SO I apologize in advance for outfit dupes but I’m trying to make this experience as stress-free as possible, considering the above sentiment.
It should also be known that I will be conducting an interview on Friday at around 12:30pm in what BlogHer considers “the fish bowl” so yeah the nerves are pulsing at the moment and worries of dry mouth and word fumbles and my skin breaking out and sounding like a jackass are racing through my brain as I try to fall asleep at night. So excuse me for wearing the same outfit TWICE!!! 😉
* I may have a bit more news to share here later about a beauty project I’ve been working on with Blogher that is supposed to launch today …I’ll post when I have word.

Happy Monday!