Follow me on Instagram to see these in real time. Also, if you see any photos you’d like to have printed on canvas or framed, they may be for sale at Twenty20. You can email me if you don’t see one that you like and I’ll make it available.
It’s been a relatively slow Instagram week which means one of two things: I’m extremely busy {which I wasn’t} or I’m feeling uninspired {which I suppose I was a little} Though sometimes life just gets in the way and there’s no time for capturing the moments…

Oh LeRoy… had I think a total of 9 small seizures yesterday, maybe 8, but even one is too many. The meds have made them less severe, and he goes days without any, but then will have a full day of hardship. It’s so hard to watch and emotional for us, though once he comes out of one, is running around like a happy puppy. I’m not sure it’s affecting him as much as it is us. We’ve upped his meds to help… we’ll see what the future brings.

Our friends Josh and Rafi came up for a visit, cooked amazing meals for us {which unfortunately I did NOT documents, but next time I will}, as usual, and brought the best card game on the planet. Cards Against Humanity … it’s hilarious and a super fun time. I’m about to buy an edition to keep at our house.

Josh and LeRoy lovin’

You’d think pugs, with all their fur and skin folds would stay warm, but no… we found Bebop shivering the other day, so he wears a sweatshirt now too. Luckily LeRoy had one that was always a bit too big because it fits Bebop Just fine.

Last week’s outfit: She’s Like the Wind Through My Tree inspired by Patrick Swayze 😉

We are obsessed with Brussels Sprouts at the moment… my favorite is mixing them with rice, couscous, or quinoa, and it’s based on a similar recipe my friend Alison showed me.
* I prefer smaller brussels
* Wash, cut off bottoms & slice in half
* Toss in a pan and brown with olive oil {butter or coconut oil work as well} Lawry’s Garlic Salt {my favorite seasoning for veggies}, ground pepper and BROWN lightly.
* Add about 1/2 cup of water, cover, and steam for about five minutes {or until water is gone}
* Add MORE seasoning, and brown again and Voila! Yummy Brussels Sprouts you’ll actually WANT to eat.
Happy Sunday Lovecats!
Hope you’re having a nice weekend.