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Oh, Hello August

We spent a good four hours yesterday watching the final season of Breaking Bad and OMG IT’S SUCH A GREAT SHOW! But we were so emotional afterwards… sad it’s over but really happy with the finale. I had a few comments on Instagram earlier in the week assuring me that the finale was satisfying and they were right. It was one of the best “last shows” ever. In the history of television
So what should we start next? We’re thinking Orange is the New Black… thoughts?

My sporty Farmer’s Market Friday outfit… {full outfit post with details soon}

Trevor closeup… Randy photobomb. {new dining room pendants}

Early sushi dinner on Friday… and the Husband’s new blue camo sunglasses by Opening Ceremony from East Dane.

Throwback Thursday to these two silly puppies. They were so tiny… I can’t believe how fast time flies.

My new favorite floral fringe kimono from No Rest for Bridget… only $42 I think only smalls left. In my office {though it’s changed since that post}. Hanging on my DIY Ikea Dressers Hack.

Randy gets hot fast and when he pants, we get to see his smile

Favorite accessories on rotation at the moment. { Thierry Lasry black with gold “painty” sunglasses }

How we felt watching the final season of Breaking Bad this week… stressed out, excited sad, worried.

This week’s X’d Out Nails Manicure {a new favorite and still going strong!}

These two Jabronis… their faces are so different but so similar sometimes, as well as their personalities. It’s crazy… and so fun to watch. These two make us smile and giggle every single day.

Relaxing on the lake… See my lakeside style here and the husband’s lakeside style here
Happy Weekend Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a nice one! It’s been rainy and overcast here, which is a nice little Summer break.