What I’m Wearing
* Miguelina silk gray dress from GILT …seen here in the Summer. I was actually looking forward to wearing this dress with layers for Winter. {worn over a simple black thin turtleneck, a must-have basic for every woman’s wardrobe ;}
* Vintage coat …found years ago at the Melrose/Fairfax Flea Market for $30 …I remember hesitating and almost didn’t buy it but when I put it on and it fit like a glove it was a done deal. I wear it every Winter. I think it’s a vintage pea coat or woman’s military/utilitarian kind of coat. It’s perfect though. …seen here also seen here
* American Apparel grid patterned stockings
* Sam Edelman Queenie boot. I will always kick myself for buying these a half size too big but at least they are comfy
* Vintage Gucci bag, Tom Ford cat eye sunglasses – Back in Stock & on sale at Amazon!
* Hair: curled with the iron …perfect wave video {which I may redo soon}

Today was one of those days where everything just worked …and that included my outfit shoot and location shots. Thus, the MAJOR editing FAIL. Some days I take 20 shots and literally 3 come out good. Some days I take 20 shots and every single one is usable in some way or another. It makes editing them a bitch actually because there are so many but it’s nice when things are good instead of bad, right? So who’s complaining? Not me.
The building shots are in Century City …and the rest are Beverly Hills residential. I’m always afraid by the time I leave work at 4pm the lighting is going to be horrendous and I won’t get a good shot. So I took some in the middle of the day and those ended up being the darker of the two …so weird. But the buildings mimicked my stockings in a way I wasn’t anticipating.

So …yeah, a bit of a photo overload. My apologies. Have a fantastic day!