Image | Tom Ford
After a few months of achy, tired, watering eyes that have more difficulty focusing than ever before, I made an appointment with the Optometrist hoping to find a solution. And low and behold I am not crazy… well, that’s to be determined, but I now have an answer to why my eyes just aren’t the same as they used to be. They’re 37 years old, and they’re tired. But beyond that, I have a slight astigmatism in each, which I’ve probably had for years, but my extended computer use forces them to work a little harder than they need to. And though my vision would pass the DMV {20/20 & 20/25), I’m getting glasses to wear while I work at my computer. I get them in a week and I can’t wait to see how they change the way my eyes feel after a day of working with them on.
In other, related news, my vertigo is relatively gone. yay.
- It may not be until you get everything you think you want that you figure out what you actually want. ~ me
- “Big Heads. Small Potatoes.” ~ Looper
- “You can’t create the future by clinging to the past.” ~ Delta Commercial
- “A tree does not think about being a tree. It just is.” ~ Stranger than Fiction
- Apparently there’s a new show in development on Oxygen called Nailed it! which pits the country’s top nail artists against one another as they compete for a cash prize and title of ultimate nail artist. What do you think? Watch-worthy?
- If you get the chance to, watch I Am the documentary. It’s great.
Loves & Links…

- Love these DIY Painted Feathers on FreePeople Blog because I never thought to paint feathers and they’re so so pretty! I think the key is finding faux feathers as real ones won’t take the paint.
- I loved this article 9 Qualities Of Truly Confident People Confidence is quiet: It’s a natural expression of ability, expertise, and self-regard.
- Love this remixed Swing Set “The Sound of the 30’s” it’s surprisingly modern and cute mix of swing dancers in old movies, etc. Do you remember when Swing culture was HUGE in the 90’s? It was fun.
- This Chandelier called Forms in Nature partly inspired by Ernst Haeckel’s (1834-
1919) detailed plots from nature and is a further development of Hilden & Diaz’
fascination with mirrorings, as they have previously applied in other artworks. creates some of the coolest, yet somewhat eerie, shadows all over the walls of your room. I kind of love it. - LOVE this remixed Ke$ha-Die Young (Metal Version)… because with the live performance, it sounds and looks like it’s how it should have been done in the first place. This youtube remix artist is kind of amazing.
This short video titled It’s Not About the Nail hits the nail on the head. Watch it below.