* I might change the knobs to give it a little more character *
Apologies if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram as you may have seen this directly after we purchased it yesterday afternoon at ZGallerie but for everyone else, this Salvatore Antiqued Mirrored Bar Cabinet is what we decided on for our dining room.
I actually saw this cabinet online the other day in my search but didn’t love it at all. ZGallerie also happened to be the very last place we looked before calling it a day yesterday. We had been all over town {to 6 different places!} and found two cabinets that were close but no cigar. But since Fashion Square was on our way home I said, “Let’s just see what they have and grab some food and then go home”. The husband obliged {but only because I mentioned food} and this cabinet was literally the first thing we saw when we walked into the store. It was right by the front door and it was perfect… and it was the husband’s favorite to boot! On top of that, someone had ordered one recently & never picked it up so there was one all boxed up and ready to go. I think it was meant for us!
Yes we spent more than we wanted to {even w/the 10% off} but the original idea was to replace our temporary bar shelves with a proper bar cabinet but that looked more like a buffet than an actual “bar” and this fit the bill.
The husband and the brother are picking it up today and I’m hoping it will be home before I return from the gallery so I can just get to work filling it up, decorating it, and finishing the room. I’m still making due with the old chairs but they’re fine for now. Baby steps 😉
It will replace these DIY shelves

* If it’s at the house when I get home I’ll take an “after” shot and post it here later today.
here it is
The Final Space…