my beliefs my zen

Good Vibrations

When we watched “What The Bleep” for the first, okay, 100 times, we were most taken by the Japanese scientist (or author?) Masaru Emoto who claims that positive and/or negative words or thoughts affected water and is said to absorb, hold, and even retransmit human feelings and emotions. We were intrigued, to say the least, and purchased the dvd The Hidden Messages in Water so that we could learn more. We then decided to write positive words on all of our water bottles to see if it worked. Now, I’m no scientist (as G. Bush would say) and we didn’t test the theory out to the fullest but, we I continue to write positive words on our bottles weekly. If it does nothing else but force everyone to think about something positive when they pick up a water bottle (and every time they take a sip), then that is enough for me.

Today, on I watched the video below which claims that the positive words or good intentions could benefit chocolate in the same way. They had advanced meditators infuse the chocolate with good intentions and in a double-blind study, there was a 67% increase in mood of the people who ate it over regular chocolate. Watch the short video below for all the details.

Again, who knows if it truly works, but it’s chocolate and that alone is worth trying! Go to to try some.

note* In an effort to “go green” we are trying to use less water bottles and have purchased SIGG aluminum canteens in addition…but it’s hard when a pre-made, delicious water bottle with a positive affirmation is sitting right there, ready to pick up and drink!

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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