What I’m Wearing…
* Plaid coat from a few seasons ago… added a few similar styles in the shopping widget below
* Grey mock turtleneck sweater … very old
* Rust cords…by Joe’s Jeans also seen here last fall
* Dr. Martens Serena boots with faux fur lining in black
* Black beanie
* Marc Jacobs pillow bag … can’t find it in black anymore but there are a few new colors
* Barton Perreira sunglasses
* Title: NEW! Lana Del Rey – Chemtrails Over The Country Club… I’m on the run with you, my sweet love… Under the chemtrails over the country club

A Few Random Things…
* I know I mentioned this in my last outfit post but I AM LOVING SHOOTING MY OWN PHOTOS AGAIN. It just feels so freeing and reminds me so much of my early days blogging. I know I know, it’s so silly, but right now, it’s the little things that I am so grateful for.
* I’ve been keeping up my quick morning gratitude journal practice and it’s true what they say… when you find even the littlest things to be grateful for, you end up paying more attention to ALL the things you are grateful for all throughout the day and I can feel a positive change that has come with it EVEN in this insanely crazy political atmosphere we are living in.
* Even though my new office isn’t 100% finished, I’ve been working there this week and yesterday was my first full day and OMG IT WAS INVIGORATING. God, I must sound absurd talking about this, but I am giddy with excitement and creativity like I haven’t been in YEARS and man is it refreshing.
* Since moving to the other side of the mountain, my daily walks slowly turned into twice a week walks and then maybe one walk a week and mostly NO WALKS A WEEK. This is something that seriously bothers me for a few reasons and making it a habit again is high on my goal list. Every day that I make an excuse and choose not to do it (because it’s too cold or too there are too many coyotes or I don’t like the area – *insert eye roll here) it really makes me mad at myself. So each day I try again and one day -ONE DAY- it won’t be a “try” it will be a “do” and then I’ll do it again the next day and finally make it a habit again and be proud of myself for it.
* Trevor’s health has been up and down for about a month now (his vertigo and vestibular issue returned, and I think his back is bothering him and causing him pain) and I’m just hoping he makes a full recovery because I cannot handle the thought of life without him yet. He’s my energetic angel and I worry sometimes he takes on too much of my pain for him to handle. Their birthday is this month and they’ll be 7. On one hand I can’t believe I’ve had them for 7 years, on the other hand, it already doesn’t feel like enough time.
* I shot these photos before I got my hair done last week on the rim, which is what we call the main highway on the rim of the mountain up here and since this cute little shop Basecamp was closed I got to fully utilize the cuteness of their exterior space that happened to match my outfit. I took a few shots in my friend and stylist Shannon’s new salon, The Parlour Room (also on the rim) and I happened to match it too! Double bonus.
* Speaking of hair, I am already letting my short bob grow out… I know, I know, it seems pointless to not keep the style but I’m just not loving the short hair. I mean, I don’t hate it, it’s cute enough, but it’s so much more work than my long hair was. I know that sounds completely backwards, but it’s true. I’m just annoyed by it daily so, we cut some layers around the front and called it a day.
* I’m obsessed with the new show Bridgerton on Netflix right now… like um. yeah. Watch it 🙂
* I just started reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami and though I’m just a few pages in, I’m already mesmerized by his writing. What are you reading and watching right now? Anything good?

Happy Hump Day Lovecats!
* Find all my Style Posts here