food, health & wellness Meditation wellness

Start Meditating Now For Amazing Benefits

Meditation heals mind, body, soul

Lovecats! Oprah & Deepak have a new FREE Meditation Experience that begins on October 31, 2016 and you should register for it now if you haven’t already: Creating Peace from the Inside Out

Create peace within yourself, and let its energy open up your relationships and your world.

Join Oprah and Deepak to connect with your innate core of peace and love. Leave self-judgment and conflict behind as you transform every relationship into one of loving kindness. Embrace your inner peace and let it illuminate every aspect of your life: your family, your friends, your community, and even the world.

Meditation heals mind, body, soul

I continue to talk about the amazing benefits of meditation and share these free guided meditation experiences from Oprah & Deepak in hopes that you will try it and turn meditation into a daily habit like I have… because it is truly life changing. In fact, it’s the easiest way to change your life for the better.

I began meditating with these guided meditations in August 2014 and have been doing it daily for the last two years and everything has changed because of it. I’ve learned new coping skills when life gets difficult, I’ve literally cured my anxiety and panic attacks that I used to struggle with on the regular, positivity isn’t a choice, it’s a given now, I’m consistently more aware and conscious of my being and of living in the moment without much thought… And I’m a better person for it. But mostly, it’s made my life easier on so many levels.

I’ve had some experiences as of late that I would have seriously and utterly lost my mind during if I didn’t have the clarity of mind FROM meditating and learning how to focus my mind and meditate on my own. Looking back, I’m a little bit in awe actually and I feel stronger for having made it through those extremely difficult situations.

It’s easy to incorporate a simple meditation practice into your daily schedule, you just have to make a habit of it and be consistent. I saw and felt changes after a month of daily meditation, and then more amazing benefits after 4 months, and at 6 months, my brain was literally wired differently and I had an entirely new perspective on life with a clarity I hadn’t experienced maybe ever. The more you do it, the easier it gets and I find myself looking forward to the 20 minutes a day I spend meditating. Some days I do it more than others, but it’s part of my life and part of who I am and makes me stronger every day. It’s hard to explain, but when you do it, you feel it, you know it. Everything changes. And it’s amazing.

8 Benefits of Meditation

1. Meditation reduces stress.
2. It improves concentration.
3. It encourages a healthy lifestyle.
4. The practice increases self-awareness.
5. It increases happiness.
6. Meditation increases acceptance.
7. It slows aging.
8. The practice benefits cardiovascular and immune health.

Meditation heals mind, body, soul

3 Simple Practices for Peace…

1. Practice Non-Judgment
To be a unit of peace consciousness, avoid participating in judgment or indulging in us-versus-them thinking. Do your best to stay out of conversations that include gossip, blame, hostility, and discussions of how terrible the world is.

2. Commune in Peace
When people of peace get together, they magnify their consciousness. Commune in peace by sitting with a child and absorbing his or her innocence, discussing the topic of peace with a sympathetic person, or meditating with like-minded people – physically or virtually through the use of technology.

3. Connect with Your Heart in Meditation
Take five minutes to establish yourself in peaceful meditation . Sit quietly with your eyes closed and take a few long, deep breaths. Now put your attention on your heart and silently repeat these four words: Peace, Harmony, Laughter, Love.

Happy Meditating!

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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